Read this prompt. Create a multimedia presentation about clothing and waste. Use research and evidence to support your opinion. Use persuasive techniques and a variety of visual aids in your presentation

Read this prompt. Create a multimedia presentation about clothing and waste. Use research and evidence to support your opinion. Use persuasive techniques and a variety of visual aids in your presentation. Which is the most effective combination of visual aids for this prompt? A photo of a landfill full of clothing and a graph showing statistics on how much clothing gets thrown away a list of what is in home closets and information about how many times people replace clothes a list of all of the clothing stores in a town and a graph showing their past and current sales figures a table listing data for how much clothing each country discards and a graph plotting the data points


Your presentation can begin with a powerful image: a landfill overflowing with discarded clothing. This image sets the stage for your exploration of the hidden cost of fashion – clothing waste. Briefly introduce the staggering amount of clothing thrown away each year, highlighting the environmental impact and potential solutions.

A Growing Mountain of Clothing Waste

Next, leverage a data-driven approach. Use a graph to illustrate the alarming increase in clothing waste over the past two decades. Emphasize the sheer volume – millions of tons of clothing discarded annually – to underscore the severity of the problem.

Why So Much Waste?

Now, delve deeper into the reasons behind this growing mountain of unwanted clothes. Discuss the influence of fast fashion trends, encouraging people to buy trendy, low-quality garments meant to be discarded quickly.  Show an image of a crowded fast fashion rack overflowing with brightly colored, synthetic clothing to visually represent this concept.

The Impact of Clothing Waste

The impact of clothing waste needs to be addressed.  Use a strong visual, perhaps an image of clothes burning in a smoky fire, to represent the environmental damage caused by clothing production, including air and water pollution, harmful chemical releases from synthetic fabrics decomposing in landfills, and the significant contribution of the textile industry to climate change.

What Can We Do?

Shift the focus towards solutions.  Emphasize the power of conscious consumerism: buying fewer, higher-quality clothes, and embracing alternative shopping options like thrift stores and consignment shops. Encourage clothes swaps with friends and family, donating unwanted clothing to charity, and exploring recycling options for truly unusable garments.


Conclude your presentation with a call to action.  Remind the audience that small changes in shopping habits can make a big difference.  Show an image of a diverse group wearing sustainable clothing to reinforce this message of collective action.  By working together, we can all contribute to reducing clothing waste and protecting the environment.