My brother patrick sat on his bed and waited patiently for me to begin. As i held the speech in my right hand, i felt the page crinkle between my fingertips

My brother patrick sat on his bed and waited patiently for me to begin. As i held the speech in my right hand, i felt the page crinkle between my fingertips. I read my speech loudly, but my brother shook his head disapprovingly. He told me i didn’t sound confident enough. With a heavy heart, i knew i was in for a long day of practicing. Write a few lines of dialogue based on this narrative.


Here are a few lines of dialogue based on the narrative:

Me: (Clears throat) "Alright Patrick, listen up! This is the big speech."

Patrick: (Shrugs) "Hit me."

Me: (Reads in a booming voice) "Esteemed judges, fellow science enthusiasts..." (Voice trails off)

Patrick: (Raises an eyebrow) "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Professor Exposition. That sounded more like a robot reading a textbook than someone excited about space exploration."

  • Me: The first line introduces the speaker and sets the scene. The character is addressing their brother Patrick.
  • Patrick: A short, casual response shows Patrick is ready to listen but not overly impressed yet.
  • Me: The character starts the speech with enthusiasm but trails off, hinting at their lack of confidence.
  • Patrick: Patrick uses humor ("Professor Exposition") to point out the monotone delivery and lack of passion.