Why do commercials shown during a TV show provide a clue about the intended audience?

Why do commercials shown during a TV show provide a clue about the intended audience?
A. Advertisers want their ads to reach people who are likely to buy their products.
B. Commercials are the main outlet for cultural influence and bias.
C. Most advertisers allow the audience to vote on whether to run the
D. Demographic studies enable media producers to exclude certain
people from watching.

Answer: A. Advertisers want their ads to reach people who are likely to buy their products.


Advertisers carefully choose where to place their commercials because they want their message to reach people who are likely to buy their products.

This makes sense – imagine an ad for a new children's toy being shown during a late-night talk show! By considering factors like age, gender, income, and interests (demographics), advertisers can target specific audiences.

If they show their ad during a program that a particular group is likely to watch, they have a better chance of reaching potential customers. Sometimes, the content of the commercial itself can also be a clue. For example, an ad for a sports car might be shown during a program about racing, while an ad for retirement planning might be shown during the evening news.